Matildas’ O-Faithful’ by Tom & His Free Mockingbirds: A Tribute to the Beautiful Game on Europe 1 FM Digital Playlist

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We are pleased to announce that the new single ‘Matildas’ O-Faithful’ from ‘Tom & His Free Mockingbirds’ Feat Pazzy Blu is now on our prestigious Daily A-List Playlist. Listen out for it night and day on the playlist + it will also be played daily as a special BLUES POWERPLAY at 9:30 PM Amsterdam time for the next month.

Tom is a songwriter-producer of the indie band Tom & His Free Mockingbirds. He is also the leader of the band and Tom has the vision of growing the band into a big band like Count Basie & His Orchestra. Tom is a prolific and consummate songwriter-producer. The band loves all genres but often veered towards Blues and Folk Rocks.

In this single “Matildas’ O-Faithful”, the band celebrates the Paris Olympic 2024 and the beautiful game:

“Matildas O-Faithful” is the band’s “faithful-throwback” to the beautiful game and that is made even more beautiful by women participating. It is also our band’s quintessential support of Matildas, women and women in sports!

Viva to Paris Olympic 2024!




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