Zorin Morris’ “Hold Tight” Brings Nostalgic and Modern Sounds to the Forefront on Europe 1 FM Digital A-List

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We are pleased to announce that the supersonic, uplifting and thrilling new single ‘Hold Tight’ from the incredible ‘Zorin Morris’ with its infectious and driving alternative 80’s esque vibes, is now on our prestigious Daily A-List Playlist.

Listen out for it night and day on the playlist + it will also be played daily as a special ALTERNATIVE POP POWERPLAY at 11 AM Amsterdam time, to get your morning rocking for the next month.

Zorin Morris. Something……. Just a little different. So everyone gets tired of listening to the same old thing. It’s gotta be new. So new in fact that after a while all the new music seems to sound the same. Answer mix some modern ideas with some nostalgic vibes and you get well something just a little different.

Something new; not bizarre; something relatable not obtuse; add a bridge, a melody and a vocal line set back a little in the mix and you get; Hold Tight Old school recorded at Ear Gallery Music in Los Angeles. Zorin Morris is going to release a steady stream of music and won’t always stick to the rules of one genre and hope you enjoy the journey.

Zorin Morris Official Website


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